If A Cur Has Your Heart…

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash Its been seventy-three days since he was inside me. Seventy-three days ago I ended things between us. I mark this day by putting an x on the calendar on my bedroom wall near the window. In that moment I peer down the street through my window and smile forms on my lips.…

How To Get Over A Break-Up, For Good

Photo by Aimee Vogelsang on Unsplash You've broken up with him and you are still thinking about him right? Maybe your adding torture to your desperation, by not eating, not showering and possibly not fulfilling many of your obligations, like buying groceries, doing laundry and you certainly haven't worked out. Ready to stop thinking about…

Bestow = Giver

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash Bestow To all the parents, friends, siblings, family members, co-workers and strangers who bestow unto others via every means, thank you! The ones who bestow and the ones that receive are required for neither could function without the other. Continue to bestow, that is when you feel alive, never…

The Dark Places of Single Parenting

At the age of fifteen, April was told by the lab technician at the clinic that her pregnancy test was positive. April, young and naive didn't know what a positive pregnancy test meant. She asked the tech, "what does a positive result mean"? Rewind back several years when April was twelve she became chronically homeless.…

Yes, Others Do See You…

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash The sex you are having, the love you are experiencing, when it flows to and through both of you within your relationship could be your last, so you better be radiant. Your people could leave your life, learn from them all, be with them all so you can be radiant. We could…